Document Type : Original Manuscript


1 Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Management, Aras International Campus University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Invited Professor at Aras International Campus University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Organizational policies are constantly flowing in organizations. Paying attention to these policies and being influenced by people causes changes in the behavior of employees, which can bring about dramatic changes. In Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology University, like the other organizations, organizational policies are influential, and people that are influenced by these policies show some behaviors in the organization. The method of this study is mixed and is a practical study. To identify the effective factors that creates triple political behavior in Khorramshahr University of Marine Sciences and Technology, Delphi technique was used. In the first part of this study ,10 persons of organizational elites were selected as the elites. Then, the items in three rounds were given to elites group to express their views. After completing the Delphi rounds, the adequacy of the Delphi rounds was declared with the Kendall coefficient, and 102 items were confirmed. In the second part, using a simple random sampling method, 196 persons of employees, members and students were selected to be investigated and thereafter they were asked to complete the prepared questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS and smart PLS software. Path analysis method and significance coefficient t and significance coefficient p were used. The obtained results showed that organizational justice has the greatest impact on the occurrence of political behaviors in the field of financial promotion. Also, among the three identified variables, the organizational culture variable has the greatest impact on job promotion. Organizational justice has the greatest impact on public political behavior. Also, among the three influencing variables in terms of budgeting and goal setting, job promotion has the most impact. Using the results, the final model was obtained that shows the impact of organizational policies on the guidance of Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology University employees in goal setting and budgeting.


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