Document Type : Original Manuscript


1 Department of Marine Chemistry, College of Marine Science, Khorramshahr Marine Science and Technology University.

2 Razi Vaccine and Serum Research Institute, Ahvaz, Iran


Gelatin is polypeptide with high molecular weight which is derived from collagen of connective tissue, skin, bone and tendons. The most common source of gelatin in the world is skin and bone of cow and pig. Gelatin from persian Gulfs jellyfish Crambionella orsini have been successfully extracted by alkaline extraction.We investigated the proximate composition, gel strength, gelling point, melting point of jellyfish gelatin. Jellyfish gelatin contained 13.1% moisture, 1.3% lipid, 2.4% ash, 78.2% protein. The gelatin showed a gel strength of 33 kPa, a gelling point of 18°C, and melting point of 23°C. The gelatin was composed of α1-chain, α2-chain, β-chain, and γ-chain Jellyfish gelatin did not show superior rheological properties to mammalian gelatin, like other fish gelatin; however, it can be used in various food and cosmetic products not requiring high gel strength.


Main Subjects

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