Document Type : Original Manuscript


shahid chamran university of Ahvaz


scouring and sedimentation is one of the most important topics in costal that always has been consider for river, coastal and marine structure engineers. Using RipRap is one of the simplest and economical methods for coastal protection that is very common because it is easily available, cheap and simple for construction and low costs. Rip Rap directly and indirectly used for protection of coastal against of of the most important topics about is provide a criteria for its design and selection that has been less studied and available investigations are in straight route while due to flow pattern in the bends scouring is sever. The purpose of this study is provide a RipRap design criteria for protection of coastal against scouring. In order to achieve the research objectives, in the laboratory conditions evaluated one riprap size of inch diameter, lengths , distances and angels. The results showed equations for design of riprap and in another part of this study evaluate present equation of other researchers for using in the bends.
